¿De nuevo?

En un acto de máxima comodidad y mínimo esfuerzo, hago un copy-paste de un acertijo del Silent Hill 3 que ya he posteado antes en otro lado ¬¬

Pero me agrada así que no importa. Jeee

Pure eyes, blue like a glassy bead---

You are always looking at me

and I am always looking at you.

Ah, you're too meek ---

beautiful, unspoiled:

thus I'm so sad, I suffer---

and so happy, it hurts.

I want to hurt you

and destroy myself

What you would think

if you knew how I felt.

Would you simply smile,

not saying a word?

Even curses from your mouth

would be as beautiful as pearls.

I place my left hand on your

face as though we were to kiss.

Then I suddenly shove my thumb

deep into your eyesocket.

Abruptly, decisively,

like drilling a hole.

And what would it feel like?

Like jelly?

Trembling with ecstasy, I obscenely

mix it around and around: I must

taste the warmth of your blood.

How would you scream?

Would you shriek "It hurts!

It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tears

stream from your crushed eye?

You can't know the maddening

hunger I've felt in the midst of

our kisses, so many of them

I've lost count.

As though drinking in your cries,

I bring my hopes to fruition:

biting your tongue, shredding it,

biting at your lips as if tasting

your lipstick.

Oh, what euphoric heights I would

reach, having my desires fulfilled

like a greedy, gluttonous cur.

I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted

cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my


I would surely be healed,

and would cry like a child.

And how is your tender ear?

It brushes against my cheek;

I want it to creep up to my lips so

I can sink my teeth into its flesh.

Your left ear, always hearing words

whispered sweet as pie ---

I want it to hear my true feelings.

I never lied, no...

but I did have my secrets.

Ah, but what must you think of me?

Do you hate me? Are you afraid?

As though inviting you to the agony

at the play's end; if you wish, you

could destroy me --- I wouldn't care.

As you wish, you may destroy me

--- I wouldn't care.

Creo que esto no era necesario...

Pero me divierte discutir. Pues bien, esta es mi reacción cuando hallo en una sola frase una postura fideísta-relativista a las tres de la mañana ¬¬ (zoom haciendo clic)

¡¿"Porque si"?! En realidad no sé que me sorprende tanto ¬¬

Por cierto, las capturas de pantalla las hice con esta extensión de Chrome. Muy útil debo decir (usar Paint cada vez es bien molesto) :D

Howard y el fundamentalismo

Que buen cómic acabo de descubrir. (Bajar aquí)

Y sino le creen al mal intencionado plagio del pato Donald...

Casualmente recuerdo haber visto la mierda de adaptación en live action de Howard the Duck. Era una mierda pero me hacia gracia un pato luchando con extraterrestres usando rayos láser y cantando en una banda de rock o algo así.

Otro post poco original

That´s cool.